Veterinary surgeon registration

To register as a vet in Queensland:

  • complete the Online application form (choose "Register as a vet or specialist")
  • attach the following documentation:
    • A certified copy of your veterinary qualifications, endorsed by either a Commissioner of Declarations, Justice of Peace, Public Notary; or an Australian registered veterinary surgeon (requires the veterinary surgeon's signature, place of registration, registration number).
      NOTE: If you have recently graduated and have not yet received your certificate, you can email or post it to us later. Your application will be processed as soon as we receive the annual list of graduates from the Dean of your veterinary school.
    • A certified copy of photographic identification (such as driver’s licence or passport) endorsed 'This is a true photograph of (FULL Name)', endorsed by either a Commissioner of Declarations, Justice of Peace, Public Notary; or an Australian registered veterinary surgeon (requires the veterinary surgeon's signature, place of registration, registration number).
    • If you are currently registered elsewhere, request a letter confirming your good standing (LOGS) with the veterinary registration authority of current registration be forwarded direct to the Queensland Veterinary Surgeons Board from that authority.
    • If you are not currently registered elsewhere, a minimum of 2 certificates attesting to your good fame and character   from persons who have known you in a supervisory capacity for at least 12 months.

Types of registration

Veterinary specialist registration

To register as a veterinary specialist, you must already be registered as a veterinary surgeon in Australia.

If applying for registration as a veterinary specialist for the first time, you must first apply to the Assessment Committee for the Registration of Veterinary Specialists (ACRVS) of the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Inc (AVBC) for assessment of your specialist credentials.  Once this process is complete, the ACRVS will issue you a letter to accompany your application to the board for specialist registration.

Complete the Online application form (choose "Register as a vet or specialist" and then choose the option that applies to you).

Overseas-qualified veterinarians

If you qualified to be a veterinarian overseas and want to register to practice as a veterinarian in Queensland, your qualification must be recognised by the AVBC.

Limited registration

If you are a veterinarian registered in New Zealand, you may apply for registration to work in Queensland for a limited period of up to 30 days.

Special registration to engage in veterinary science research or teaching at The University of Queensland or James Cook University

If you are a veterinarian with overseas qualifications, including those not recognised for registration, you may be eligible to apply for registration to engage in research and teaching at a Queensland University   veterinary school.

Working under the direction of a vet

You may be eligible to apply for approval to work under the direction of a registered veterinarian if you are a student enrolled in the Australasian Veterinary Examination (AVE) or an equivalent qualifying examination.

This practical experience will prepare you for your final examination.

This approval is not a registration. There is no authority under Medicines and Poisons (Medicines) Regulation 2021 to:

  • obtain, dispense or prescribe controlled and restricted drugs
  • sign health, vaccination or veterinary certificate
  • sign documentation which is required to be signed by a registered veterinary surgeon.

Coming to work in Queensland from intrastate

Under the NRVR (National Recognition of Veterinary Registration) scheme, veterinary surgeons and veterinary specialists with full registration anywhere in Australia are ‘deemed’ to be registered to work in Queensland while their registration is current. Vets working in Queensland must comply with Queensland legislation.

You must register in Queensland prior to the expiration of your current registration.

Queensland-registered vets working intrastate

If you are registered as a veterinary surgeon or specialist in Queensland, you are deemed as registered in these states or territories:

  • New South Wales
  • Victoria
  • South Australia
  • Tasmania
  • Australia Capital Territory
  • Northern Territory.

You must contact the other state or territory for information about their ongoing registration requirements.


Last updated: 16 Jul 2024